
My name is Tracy. I have 4 children. Two adult children and two teenagers. I also have a married son. There's a wide variety of life lived right here. I open my arms and welcome anyone who just wants to laugh, know that there is someone else who has dealt with or lived through your similar situation. Enjoy finding solutions that maybe you haven't tried. I share freely and I am open book. So, welcome to my blog and personal journey.

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Padre Island Beach

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Monday, January 18, 2010

Working through the frustration

Frustration is high in the list right now. I find myself feeling more and more guilty and I can't take it anymore. I have reached a point in my life where I believe it's time for change. Something has to give and break at some point. I just need to find my way to the top.
Sometimes I feel like I am being controlled. I don't know our financial situation, I don't know our bills, what's in our account. I don't have a license to drive myself anywhere. This is going to change. I am making my mind up right here and now.
Damn it - this is my life too. I have every right to enjoy it just like anyone else.
I will start making the changes and plans that need to be made. I have things that have to come first in my life. I will not bow any longer. Not to anyone! I deserve to live in happiness and its up to me to make myself happy. My happiness doesn't depend on anyone else but me!

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