
My name is Tracy. I have 4 children. Two adult children and two teenagers. I also have a married son. There's a wide variety of life lived right here. I open my arms and welcome anyone who just wants to laugh, know that there is someone else who has dealt with or lived through your similar situation. Enjoy finding solutions that maybe you haven't tried. I share freely and I am open book. So, welcome to my blog and personal journey.

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Padre Island Beach

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weekly Update

Lately we have made many changes to our lifestyle that makes things easy on us.
We are scheduled to leave on Saturday for a week in Galveston in a Beach House.
Right at the beach with coffee on the balcony in the morning watching the sunset and sunrise on the ocean. I am so excited. But, affording it? We were given a free week in the beach house and with only the gas to get us there and the food to enjoy, we are in for a very nice vacation for a very low price.
I have been rolling my own cigarettes saving over $100 a month.
Making our own laundry soap we have been doing for well over a year.
These savings have made it possible to do even more - to our house, with our family.
We are enjoying the benefits of living a frugal life.

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