
My name is Tracy. I have 4 children. Two adult children and two teenagers. I also have a married son. There's a wide variety of life lived right here. I open my arms and welcome anyone who just wants to laugh, know that there is someone else who has dealt with or lived through your similar situation. Enjoy finding solutions that maybe you haven't tried. I share freely and I am open book. So, welcome to my blog and personal journey.

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Padre Island Beach

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Updates on Health and Wellness - starting my recovery

Hey There!
I know - its been awhile. I am working toward a better me...I have a few things going on, there are some health issues, but I am working to solve it.

Health update:
Hematologist ordered blood work and I return on April 29 for an update. If the blood work is okay then I will make the steps for a bone marrow check - not sure what that entails and I honestly don't want to know. If blood is better from the iron pills or whatever then I am done with him. He suggested a visit to my OB/GYN which I haven't seen in years. So, I will be making an appointment and getting that stupid pap smear.

I started seeing a Chiropractor here in Whitney. My insurance pays for 12 visits a year.
He's great, he's careful and over all I do feel better. I had my third adjustment yesterday and I am a little more sore. But, there are other changes taking place there too that may be playing a part into that pain. Overall I am adjusting well.

My counselor slowed me to only seeing her once a month or so. I am glad. think maybe its too soon. But, I am adjusting. I know the recent visit has helped allot with all if this too.

So, I am making life changes. I have to admit that I am well, I am FAT!!! I have to do something. This is effecting my ability to move forward with anything. I am doing a combination here...

For my weight:
I am following Ruby @ http://www.mystyle.com/mystyle/shows/ruby/index.jsp - I just love her! So, I am using her plan a little and

then incorporating the Weight Watchers http://www.weightwatchers.com Point System into my life. I have a kit from a while back. It was my mothers and she gave it to me. It's perfect, has everything to do the point system right here in my on home. I even have a calculator that's so cool at finding point values for things fast and easy. I am going to keep it in my purse.

Also what I will be doing with a little of Kirstie. I am Checking out Kirstie alley's stuff too at http://www.organicliaison.com/intro. I haven't purchased anything. Because I want to do this right. I don't want to do prepared foods, 2 shakes and 1 meal, I want to change my eating habits and life for the better so I am going to make my own weight loss program. You can follow my program and progress here, at facebook, twitter, and my personal blog. I will be posting more later today...I love you reading...

If you want to check these out I have provided links for you.

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