
My name is Tracy. I have 4 children. Two adult children and two teenagers. I also have a married son. There's a wide variety of life lived right here. I open my arms and welcome anyone who just wants to laugh, know that there is someone else who has dealt with or lived through your similar situation. Enjoy finding solutions that maybe you haven't tried. I share freely and I am open book. So, welcome to my blog and personal journey.

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Padre Island Beach

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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Saving Money in all ways possible

So, most know about my savings by making my own laundry soap. But, do you know all the great shortcuts to cleaning there are? I use normal things that you can find around the house to clean with. It will sometimes be something you already have.
Main ingredients are Vinegar, Lemon, Lemon Oil, Salt, Rice, Peroxide, Baking soda, Borax, Alcohol - so, keep those in mind. Lemon can be used on some metals and on wood, it will make a great cleaner too with a little salt sprinkled on the lemon it can turn into a scrubber for a metal surface and it can polish silver as well.

Vinegar - one of my favorite uses of Vinegar is adding it to your rinse water if you wash by hand, if you wash with a dishwasher you can add it using that space you put finish in - just fill that with the vinegar and it cuts right through grease and leaves the dishes sparkling. For hand washers you add it to the rinse water or wash water if you want. I use to put bleach in my washing water to make sure I killed all germs since I wash dishes by hand. But, I do it differently now.

Want to know more about my frugal ways to clean...then be sure to catch my rantings here...

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